Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Children's day

heyy kiddos !
this is me Qistina .
how's school this year ?
tiring huh ?
well it will come to an end hopefully next week as that will be the week we take our PSLE (P6)
tomorrow is a holiday for all of us but don't forget to study. and complete ALL the homeworks .
To the MC kings and queens , prince and princesses , PLSS come on the PSLE days .
Not even MC could cover the PSLE for you.
Want to get to a good Secondary school than try hard !
that's all .
I just want to wish EVERYBODY that is still a child , a HAPPY CHILDRENS DAY ! :D
not to forget , THANK YOU teachers for giving us the gifts ! :D
have a nice time revising .
by the wayy , Welcome Back Irdina !!!!!!

yours truly , Qistina #18 !

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